The right moment to drop Bolton… Trump made clear he does not want a war with Iran. Unfortunately the Deep State gang both in the Democrat and in the Republican Party -NeoCons and NeoLibs – want the war. Will there be now the formation of a counter coalition -Democrats and Republicans- who will be openly working together against the war? Will this new geometry be the base for the bipartisan (or Supra Partes) coalition that will give Trump a victory in the 2020 presidential election? Hopefully, the several investigations organized and coordinated by Attorney General Barr, will break the back of the powerful British remote-controlled Fifth Column that has been hegemonic for so long in the US intelligence agencies. The neutralization of this gang (watch for example what will happen now to Comey, Brennan, Clapper) would lead to a drastic weakening of the controlled mass media that have supported the Russiagate hoax and are now having wet dreams about a war with Iran. The Soros’ Color Revolutions machine led by the Clintons and the Bushes and managed by the likes of Christopher Steele and Victoria Nuland must be smashed.
Remember that Trump and the team behind him was planning the creation of a bipartisan government after the 2016 election. And remember that, in December 2016, Tulsi Gabbard – Democrat and war veteran – was rumored to be nominated shortly as ambassador to the UN or even Defense Secretary. The Russiagate hysteria and the attempted coup of the intelligence agencies remote controlled from London destroyed this plans and the US has become for the last 2+ years a battle field between the Golpistas and the Independentists.