Retro text from summer 2016: EU/NATO DOUBLE STANDARDS

Retro text from summer 2016.


Within less than 200 kilometers, in Europe, in the heart of the Balkans, the EU vulgar shows double standards without any shame!
At the same time, during the 2015 th year, in Montenegro and Macedonia took place identical events. Namely, the opposition in those two countries, unable to seize power through parliamentary elections, trying an alternative, violent and undemocratically way to enter the Parliament or government of the country, or to take all relevant state institutions, ie the whole country .
Both countries are extremely important for the administrations in Washington and Brussels. NATO would like to finishing the occupation of the Balkans with the final incorporation of these two countries in the aggressive military alliance. The EU also wants to close the pockets within its policy. Considering that Kosovo and Metohija and Bosnia and Hercegvina are in EU / NATO possession and Serbia is down on its knees daily and constantly fine and crumbly (Vojvodina and Sandzak want to take the road by which you left Kosovo), Macedonia and Montenegro last sovereign states in Europe that are not part of the “West” in politically sense.
The events in both countries are almost identical. Tents before state bodies, political camping, NGOs and political ambitions, collision with police violence, similar slogans, concerned international public, divided media, predominantly Orthodox country …
One thing just not the same. Namely, Macedonian opposition is supported by “foreign” factor. In Montenegro Government is supported by the foreign factor.
Why is that?
Montenegrin government and opposition in Macedonia want to include these two countries in NATO, then the EU without having to take account of national interests in these countries. Prime Minister of Montenegro Milo Đukanović, as leader of the opposition in Macedonia Zoran Zaev, are persons with criminal records. Đukanović is charged by the courts in Italy for long, multimillion-dollar cigarette smuggling with super speedboats across the Adriatic Sea. Zaev is once pardon of former President Branko Crvenkovski, who is from the same party with Zaev, crime difficult 8 million Euro. And at this point against him stretch at least three criminal investigations and court cases.
So leader of the position in Montenegro and leader of the opposition in Macedonia are exceptionally easy to blackmail and manipulation by diplomats coming from Washington, Brussels, Berlin or London becouse of there criminal life.
The opposition in Montenegro requires reconsideration, even the rejection of this country’s decision to join NATO. Herewith if the opposition came to power, there will be re-warming of relations between Podgorica and Belgrade, and between Podgorica and Moscow. And that would be completely detrimental to the NATO aspirations to govern complete the Adriatic Sea. Of course, it is clear that the Russian Federation is very interested in Boka Kotorska and exit to the “warm seas”.
The Macedonian government is one of the few that does not introduce sanctions against Russia. Despite the huge “western” pressure from diplomats and state leaders, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski has not changed its decision and did not break relations with Moscow. Macedonia is a country that opposes the imperialist policies of Brussels and Washington, not wanting to join the EU and NATO as a territory which lost their identity, integrity and name. (About the problem Greece has with the of the country Republic of Macedonia, in other further texts).
So Government in Montenegro and opposition in Macedonia want NATO / EU integration.
And what happens this spring, summer, fall …?
Absolutely the same events, politicians from the EU and US to treat totally antagonistic way.
EU and NATO leaders insist that Macedonian government should back down. The same Montenegro insisted the opposition to back down!
EU and NATO in Macedonia insist things to settle out of Parliament through unconstitutional and illegal political deal brokered (pressure) of “facilitators” from Brussels and foreign ambassadors in Skopje. The same EU / NATO politicians in Montenegro do not allow and refuse foreign mediation and insist on resolution in the Parliament!
EU, NATO condemn the action of the police during the riots were on the streets of Skopje. They insist they police and security structures in Montenegro “decisive” action to disrupt and break up the riots were on the streets of Montenegro.
In Macedonia, foreign diplomats and ambassadors prohibit any police and judicial prosecution of violent hooligans on the protest’s, citing human rights and freedoms. While in Montenegro these “foreigners” politicians and diplomats insist convictions for arrested demonstrators.
Two close Balkan Orthodox states, two former Yugoslav republics, two nations with similar languages – two totally different approaches and pressures from the EU and NATO.
In Montenegro, NATO and the EU insist criminal Milo Djukanovic to stay in power! In Macedonia they insist criminal Zoran Zaev to come on power!

Milenko Nedelkovski

Milo Gjukabovic – cigarettes smuggling:
Zoran Zaev – 8 million Euro criminal: